How do you know when it’s time to leave your company?

Deciding to leave a job is a significant moment in anyone’s professional career. Although it is normal to face challenges at work, some challenges may exceed your bandwidth, lifestyle choices, and ability to reach personal and professional goals. If you feel a lingering dissatisfaction with your job, it may be time to explore other options. But how do you know when it’s the right time to leave your company? Check out these tips below:
When the position offers no opportunity for growth.
A meaningful position will offer you the opportunity to grow professionally. Growth opportunities not only include promotions but may come in the form of working on a cross-functional project or learning about a new arm of your industry. Before you decide to leave your position officially, try to talk to your manager and formally request the type of growth opportunities you would like to explore. If your manager’s response does not align with your requests, it may be a sign that it is time to move on to better opportunities.

If you are overworked.
It is natural to have times when you feel like you have too many tasks to complete in one day; however, it may signify the need for a new job if this is a persistent feeling.
Working excessive hours without an adequate work-life balance can negatively affect your health, well-being, productivity, and work quality. If you cannot establish workload boundaries and expectations with your manager, research job opportunities that offer a better work-life balance. If you are still open to negotiating staying with the company, talk to your manager and make recommendations about the workload; for instance, you can recommend hiring a new part-time employee or temp to manage your project’s easier administrative tasks.
The work environment is toxic.
A healthy work environment motivates employees to stay with the organization and thrive in their position. An unhealthy work environment can have a negative impact on your professional and personal happiness. No job is worth you having to endure public shaming, employee harassment, or controlling management practices. If you are in a toxic work environment, talk to your human resources department or seek outside help from a human resources professional who can help you find coping mechanisms while looking for a new job.
Your work performance is suffering.
If you are no longer productive at work, you might want to start looking for a new job. It is common to lose interest and motivation to complete your duties once you feel it is time to leave your current job. If you are constantly missing deadlines and have no inspiration to perform your tasks, you should start looking for a position or company mission that excites you.
Your salary is too low.
While compensation is essential, it should not be the most important factor when deciding to leave your job. However, your position should have reasonable compensation based on your experience performing the tasks and the number of years you have dedicated to the company. Try to speak with your managers to discuss if they are willing to raise your salary or renegotiate other benefits. If your manager is unwilling to compromise or unable to fulfill your request, it may also be time to move on to another opportunity.
The company is not successful.
Recently many companies have been forced to shut down, primarily due to the pandemic. If your company is experiencing layoffs or furloughs, this may signify that your company is in financial trouble. If there are internal rumblings or public information available online about your company, take heed. You can speak directly with your manager or leadership team in some cases. While they may not answer specific questions directly, an indirect conversation may help gather the information you need to decide before your position is permanently affected.
If you have decided that quitting your job is the best decision for you, consider your timeline, including when you will turn in your two-week notice and your job search strategy. Use this time to decide what you really want in your next position, company and how the new job aligns with your overall career path. You can do this by detailing what you are looking for regarding compensation, responsibilities, company culture, and benefits.
Although each situation for quitting is personal, in general, finding a new job before leaving your current job helps decrease the risk of losing too much income and having employment gaps on your resume. Although you are leaving your company due to a negative reason, do your best to go on a high note — the world is small, and you want to avoid burning bridges when you can.