5 Reasons Why the C-Suite Should Have Seasonal Lunches with Employees
Business owners and CEOs are often removed from the daily operations of their company and employees—a disservice to them as high-level decision makers and mentors. While annual performance reviews remain a valid form of measurement, informal and seasonal lunches provide a laid-back conversation where both sides of the table can benefit from understanding each other’s concerns, triumphs and goals. Here are five reasons why executives should take the time every season to eat lunch with their employees.
- Keep tabs on daily operations. It’s easy for business owners to maintain a top-down mindset and operational focus in the C-Suite. But when it comes down to it, the day-to-day operations determine company survival.
- Instills a sense of care and appreciation. Not only do employees deserve regular recognition for their work, but it’s an essential component of company morale. An executive taking the time to eat lunch with their employee shows an extra degree of appreciation that a gift card or in-office meeting just doesn’t do.
- Evaluate company performance. A CEO doing high-level, strategic planning should have all the facts. Employees at all levels and in every department have hands-on experience with the company’s processes and can provide extra insight into how smoothly things are running.
- Preserves motivation. Having a seasonal lunch, as opposed to an annual review, requires greater frequency in communication—and consistency in sharing progress reports. Use seasonal lunches to keep the momentum going.
At HRinMotion, LLC, we understand the importance of effective communication between all levels of the hierarchical ladder. Don’t let business owners and CEOs miss an opportunity to gain perspective on their company’s performance and workforce.